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Open Call

Typographic Interpretation of
translated texts from
early works of René Descartes,
“Rules for the Direction of the Mind”
To invoke a discourse on
contemporary global issues and
how imagination has evolved with
science and technology.

We would like to invite everyone to
participate in the Typographic
Poster Challenge. In this challenge,
we're reimagining René Descartes's
Rules for the Direction of the Mind,
in present times.

Typographic interpretation that
may defy conventional norms,
address world problems or simply
be a show of typographic talents by
using texts from Rules for the
Direction of the Mind.
To invoke a discourse on contemporary global
issues and how imagination have evolved with
science and technology.

We would like to invite everyone to participate in
the Typographic Poster Challenge. In this challenge,
we're reimagining René Descartes's Rules for the
Direction of the Mind, in present times.

Typographic interpretation that may defy
conventional norms, address world problems or
simply be a show of typographic talents by using
texts from Rules for the Direction of the Mind.


1. The end of all studies should be to direct the mind toward the enunciation of solid and true judgments on all things presented to it.

2. We should concern ourselves only with those objects of which our minds appear to be adequate in gaining their certain and indubitable knowledge.

3. Concerning the objects presented to us we should investigate, not what others have thought nor what we ourselves conjecture, but what we can intuit clearly and evidently or deduce with certainty, since scientific knowledge is acquired by no other means.

4. Method is necessary for the investigation of truth.

5. All method consists in the order and disposition of those things toward which the eye of the mind must be directed if we are to discover any truth. And we follow this method exactly if we reduce involved and obscure propositions step by step to simpler ones, and then attempt to ascend by the same steps from the intuition of all those that are entirely simple to the cognition of all the others.

6. To distinguish the simplest things from those which are complex, and to follow them out in order, it is necessary, in every sequence of things in which we have directly deduced certain truths from others, to observe what constituent has the greatest simplicity, and in what way all the others are more or less or equally removed from it.

1. The end of all studies should be to direct the mind toward the enunciation of solid and true judgments on all things presented to it.

2. We should concern ourselves only with those objects of which our minds appear to be adequate in gaining their certain and indubitable knowledge.

3. Concerning the objects presented to us we should investigate, not what others have thought nor what we ourselves conjecture, but what we can intuit clearly and evidently or deduce with certainty, since scientific knowledge is acquired by no other means.

4. Method is necessary for the investigation of truth.

5. All method consists in the order and disposition of those things toward which the eye of the mind must be directed if we are to discover any truth. And we follow this method exactly if we reduce involved and obscure propositions step by step to simpler ones, and then attempt to ascend by the same steps from the intuition of all those that are entirely simple to the cognition of all the others.

6. To distinguish the simplest things from those which are complex, and to follow them out in order, it is necessary, in every sequence of things in which we have directly deduced certain truths from others, to observe what constituent has the greatest simplicity, and in what way all the others are more or less or equally removed from it.

7. In order to attain complete scientific knowledge, it is necessary to run through, one by one, in a movement of thought which is continuous and nowhere interrupted, all those matters which bear upon our undertaking; they must also be included in a sufficient and ordered enumeration

8. If in the series of things to be examined anything presents itself which our intellect is unable to intuit sufficiently well, we must stop there and should not examine what follows, but abstain from superfluous labor.

9. We ought to turn the whole force of our minds to the smallest and simplest things, and to stop there for a long time, until we become accustomed to intuiting the truth clearly and distinctly.

Rules 1-21 of 36


7. In order to attain complete scientific knowledge, it is necessary to run through, one by one, in a movement of thought which is continuous and nowhere interrupted, all those matters which bear upon our undertaking; they must also be included in a sufficient and ordered enumeration

8. If in the series of things to be examined anything presents itself which our intellect is unable to intuit sufficiently well, we must stop there and should not examine what follows, but abstain from superfluous labor.

9. We ought to turn the whole force of our minds to the smallest and simplest things, and to stop there for a long time, until we become accustomed to intuiting the truth clearly and distinctly.

10. In order that the mind may acquire sagacity, it is necessary to give it practice in investigating what has already been discovered by others; and it ought to traverse methodically even the most trifling inventions of men, but especially those which best explain or presuppose order.

11. After we have grasped by intuition a certain number of simple propositions, if we wish to infer some other proposition from them, it is useful to run over them in a continuous and uninterrupted movement of thought in order to reflect on their relations to one another, and as far as possible to conceive distinctly several at a time. For it is in this way that our knowledge becomes much more certain and the power of our mind is greatly increased.

10. In order that the mind may acquire sagacity, it is necessary to give it practice in investigating what has already been discovered by others; and it ought to traverse methodically even the most trifling inventions of men, but especially those which best explain or presuppose order.

11. After we have grasped by intuition a certain number of simple propositions, if we wish to infer some other proposition from them, it is useful to run over them in a continuous and uninterrupted movement of thought in order to reflect on their relations to one another, and as far as possible to conceive distinctly several at a time. For it is in this way that our knowledge becomes much more certain and the power of our mind is greatly increased.

12. Finally we ought to use all the aids of intellect, imagination, sense, and memory, partly in order to have a distinct intuition of simple propositions; partly to compare correctly what we seek with what we know so that we may recognize it; partly in order to discover those things which should be so compared with one another so that no human resources may be neglected.

13. If we understand a question perfectly, we must abstract it from every superfluous concept, simplify it as much as possible, and divide it by enumeration into the smallest possible parts. [ . . .]

14. The same question must be applied to the real extension of bodies and represented in its entirety to the imagination by means of bare figures; for in this way it will be much more distinctly perceived by the understanding.

15. It is also useful in many cases to describe these figures and to exhibit them to the external senses, in order that by this device our thought should more easily be kept attentive. [. . .]


12. Finally we ought to use all the aids of intellect, imagination, sense, and memory, partly in order to have a distinct intuition of simple propositions; partly to compare correctly what we seek with what we know so that we may recognize it; partly in order to discover those things which should be so compared with one another so that no human resources may be neglected.13. If we understand a question perfectly, we must abstract it from every superfluous concept, simplify it as much as possible, and divide it by enumeration into the smallest possible parts. [ . . .]

13. If we understand a question perfectly, we must abstract it from every superfluous concept, simplify it as much as possible, and divide it by enumeration into the smallest possible parts. [ . . .]

14. The same question must be applied to the real extension of bodies and represented in its entirety to the imagination by means of bare figures; for in this way it will be much more distinctly perceived by the understanding.

15. It is also useful in many cases to describe these figures and to exhibit them to the external senses, in order that by this device our thought should more easily be kept attentive. [. . .]

16. As for the things which do not demand the immediate attention of the mind, although they are necessary for the conclusion it is better to designate them by very brief signs rather than by complete figures; for thus the memory cannot err, and meanwhile the thought will not be distracted for the purpose of retaining them, while it is applying itself to deducing other things. [. . .]

16. As for the things which do not demand the immediate attention of the mind, although they are necessary for the conclusion it is better to designate them by very brief signs rather than by complete figures; for thus the memory cannot err, and meanwhile the thought will not be distracted for the purpose of retaining them, while it is applying itself to deducing other things. [. . .]

17. A given difficulty should be run through directly, in abstraction from the fact that some of its terms are known and others unknown, and with the intuition, obtained by taking the right road, of the mutual dependence of each term on the others. [. . .]

18. For this only four operations are required, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, among which the last two often do not need to be carried out here, as much to keep from complicating things needlessly as because they can be executed more easily later. [. . .]

19. By this method of ratiocination we should seek out as many magnitudes expressed in two different modes, as we suppose unknown terms directly bearing on the difficulty in place of known ones: for thus we shall have as many comparisons between two equals.

20. When the equations have been found, we must finish the operations which we have left aside, never making use of multiplication whenever there is room for division.

21. If there are several equations of this sort, we should reduce them all to a single one, that is to say, to the one whose terms will occupy the least number of degrees in the sequence of magnitudes in continuous proportion, according to which they are to be ordered.


17. A given difficulty should be run through directly, in abstraction from the fact that some of its terms are known and others unknown, and with the intuition, obtained by taking the right road, of the mutual dependence of each term on the others. [. . .]

18. For this only four operations are required, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, among which the last two often do not need to be carried out here, as much to keep from complicating things needlessly as because they can be executed more easily later. [. . .]

19. By this method of ratiocination we should seek out as many magnitudes expressed in two different modes, as we suppose unknown terms directly bearing on the difficulty in place of known ones: for thus we shall have as many comparisons between two equals.

20. When the equations have been found, we must finish the operations which we have left aside, never making use of multiplication whenever there is room for division.

21. If there are several equations of this sort, we should reduce them all to a single one, that is to say, to the one whose terms will occupy the least number of degrees in the sequence of magnitudes in continuous proportion, according to which they are to be ordered.

16. As for the things which do not demand the immediate attention of the mind, although they are necessary for the conclusion it is better to designate them by very brief signs rather than by complete figures; for thus the memory cannot err, and meanwhile the thought will not be distracted for the purpose of retaining them, while it is applying itself to deducing other things. [. . .]

17. A given difficulty should be run through directly, in abstraction from the fact that some of its terms are known and others unknown, and with the intuition, obtained by taking the right road, of the mutual dependence of each term on the others. [. . .]

18. For this only four operations are required, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, among which the last two often do not need to be carried out here, as much to keep from complicating things needlessly as because they can be executed more easily later. [. . .]

19. By this method of ratiocination we should seek out as many magnitudes expressed in two different modes, as we suppose unknown terms directly bearing on the difficulty in place of known ones: for thus we shall have as many comparisons between two equals.

20. When the equations have been found, we must finish the operations which we have left aside, never making use of multiplication whenever there is room for division.

21. If there are several equations of this sort, we should reduce them all to a single one, that is to say, to the one whose terms will occupy the least number of degrees in the sequence of magnitudes in continuous proportion, according to which they are to be ordered.

You may choose to use part of the
sentences, paragraphs, or the whole.
Manipulate forms of type however it
may express your idea. Question the
concept of communication through
a complete typographic abstraction.
Be creative at your own risks!

You may use any medium or
technology to create
your artwork(s)
You may choose to use part of the sentences,
paragraphs, or the whole. Manipulate forms of type
however it may express your idea. Question the concept
of communication through a complete typographic
abstraction. Be creative at your own risks!

You may use any medium or technology to create your artwork(s)
(Animation, Video, Photography, Hand Crafted,
Hand Drawn, Digital, Painted, Spray Painted, Sculpture etc.)

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Open Call

File Specifications :
9:16 Portrait

(1080x1920 Recommended)
Appropriate Format
Rules and Guidelines :
No Rules! Only Deadline.

Closing July
Submission :
Email your artwork(s) to

We accept downloadable links
File Specifications :
9:16 Portrait

(1080x1920 Recommended)
Appropriate Format
Rules and Guidelines :
No Rules! Only Deadline.

Closing July
Submission :
Email your artwork(s) to
Downloadable Links
The project also aims to bring
life to the internal struggle of
our imagination, to support
and enhance critical thinking.
Don’t forget to have fun!

Shortlisted artworks will be
curated on our SAND socials
along with all the invited artists.
The project also aims to bring life to
the internal struggle of our imagination,
to support and enhance critical thinking.
Don’t forget to have fun!

Shortlisted artworks will be curated on our
SAND socials along with all the invited artists.

Open Call

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Open Call

Open Call

We have invited our artist friends and fellow
creatives to be a part of the collaboration.